There is no single thing that makes an essay good, but every good essay shares the same three core characteristics. Kel, LogicPrep Essay Coach and Associate Director of Narrative Development, shares his insight in Part 1 of our Essay Writing Series.
Everything You Need to Know About The Claremont Colleges
So, you’re wondering about The Claremont Colleges. Are they small colleges, or is it really one big college? Is Claremont McKenna the same thing as Claremont College? And what on earth is a Consortium? Don’t worry, this Pitzer alumna (and former admissions officer!) is here to break it all down for you.
Congratulations to the LogicPrep Class of 2022!
This year, our students earned over 50 acceptances to Ivy League+ schools and nearly 200 acceptances to the Top 50 universities in the US. Our liberal arts-focused students also earned over 20 acceptances to the Top 50 liberal arts colleges in the US. Check out the full list of student acceptances here!
Which Colleges are Test-Optional, Test-Flexible, and Test-Required for 2022-2023 Applicants?
Your Comprehensive Guide to College Visits
Initial Admission Data For the Class of 2026
Along with decision letters, top colleges and universities have also begun releasing their acceptance data for the Class of 2026. And boy was it a tough one, with headlines pointing to record-low acceptance rates at nearly all of the most selective colleges in the country. But, there are also some glimmers of hope for future applicants!
How to Pick a College Once They've Picked You
How Can My AP Exam Scores Support My College Application?
4 Ways to Make This Summer Count
Every year, college application rates continue to rise at the most selective colleges in the country, and the admissions process only becomes more competitive. In order to stand out as a top student, plan to dedicate your summers to immersive and impactful experiences.